invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject submissions,
but we are not necessarily responsible for the opinions expressed
in articles we publish......MORE
The Kenyan liver has been
James Shikwati
One of the ruling elites in Kenya once
referred to political leadership to the action of
juggling with a fresh liver. Whereas Kenyan voters were
busy casting their vote, a few elites were busy juggling
with the liver in their board rooms; delaying
result-tallying and making otherwise efficient election
officials to ?disappear? for three days. The resultant
effect of liver juggling as opposed to democratic
results that each one of us was waiting for is now in
the open for the World to behold. Kenya?s African and
global position has slipped, we have backtracked to
I was in a Kakamega restaurant following the
election drama on Kenya Television Network (KTN); when
within minutes of what appeared to be a video taped
announcement of a presidential win was followed by a
hurried swearing-in ceremony. It looked very much
similar to documentaries on military coups in Africa,
only this was more of a liver coup over democracy.
Within minutes of our restored president signing himself
to office, somebody rushed into the restaurant and
warned all those with cars to be careful on how they
will drive home. This being my rural town I ignored this
warning but chose to drive away immediately?I came face
to face with a new Kenya I had only read about!
My car hit the tarmac for less than 2 meters; the first bunch
of protesting voters let me through after scrutinizing
my identification documents-the second road block within
a meter send warning missiles towards my car and
indicated they had no patience to check my
identification. A Good Samaritan pointed at a dusty,
dirt road as the only escape hutch; with adrenaline
rushing, wondering which Kenya I was in, I stepped on
gas and off I was on a bumpy road! It was now dark, I
found another bonfire deep into the sinuses of
remoteness, but the group let me through without much of
a fuss.
After making several wrong turns, I finally
landed on a familiar Sigalagala ? Butere road. I started
answering calls, happy that I was finally home. What? On
reaching the Bukura Institute of Agriculture gates, I
saw a huge fire towards the direction I was driving, a
policeman in civilian waved me down and advised that I
should not proceed. This is my village; this is where I
grew up, who will stop me? I defied him again?stupid me;
warning missiles flew from the direction of the bonfire,
I turned and took refuge in the agricultural college. I
drove home the following morning; you can guess what
went through my proud African mind.
In a nutshell, the flawed Kenyan electoral process that ignored the logic
of why results were always announced at the polling
centers demonstrated that we are yet to internalize
democracy in our system. Democracy is simply a tool for
liver jugglers to determine when, and who ought to be in
power. Liver juggling has set in motion forces that will
reverse the few gains Kenyans had attained. Destruction
of people?s property, total disregard of rule of law and
abuse of the same, tribal witch hunting and class
struggle are now in motion.
I am now held hostage in my
village, I am unable to drive back to Nairobi because
voters from different parts of Kenya have blockaded
highways in protest of liver juggling democracy. It is
unbelievable to see basic commodities disappear from
store shelves because delivery trucks cannot move. Pump
stations are dry; the famous cell phone industry is
slowly grinding to a halt because no one is able to
deliver the credit calling cards. Every evening I see
lit up horizons. When I tune on the radio, I simply hear
appeals for prayer and wonder loudly whether Kenyans and
Africans should replace democracy with prayer!
James Shikwati, January 1,
2008, Kenya
James Shikwati
is the Director of Inter Region Economic
Network james@irenkenya.org
Kufuor on Kenyan leaders - urges for dialogue
Accra, Jan. 01, Ghanadot/GNA - President John Agyekum
Kufuor, on Tuesday expressed deep regrets about the
unfortunate scenes of violence in Kenya, following the
recent Presidential Elections in the country........More |
2008 elections promises huge
competition between NPP, NDC
Koforidua, Jan. 1, Ghanadot - In separate interviews
granted to the GNA by the regional secretaries of both the
NPP and NDC, each promised a tough show down for votes and
Parliamentary seats in the Eastern Region...
Smooth change of old currency to new on last day
Koforidua, Jan. 1, Ghanadot/GNA- Long queues were
formed at a number of banks in the New Juaben Municipality
as people made last minute efforts to have their old
currencies changed to the new ones, which ceased to be legal
tender last night.
Government may be compelled to control prices of some goods
-- Minister
Accra, Jan. 01, Ghanadot/GNA – Mr. Joe Baidoe Ansah,
Minister of Trade, Industry and the Presidential Special
Initiative (PSI) on Monday said government would be
compelled to control the prices of goods on the market if
traders continued to cheat customers .......
.More |