On the back of Obama
E. Ablorh-Odjidja
It is convenient for some to think that conservative
Republicans are the only racists in America. But cry
racism as much as you want, it is apparent now that
President Obama is being used by his liberal Democrat
white henchmen. And that is an aspect of racism too.
Unless, you have insufficient understanding of how
racism works.
In 2008, Barrack Obama was elected the first black
president of the US. Since then, his policies have been
liberal and transformational; none specifically geared
to the benefit of the black man. But anytime these
policies are attacked, Democrats and liberals cry
The intent, of course, is to stop conservative
opposition. That’s how powerful the cry of racism is
because it produces instant white guilt.
In Obama, liberals have found the perfect vehicle and
absolute defense for their cherished policies as they
seek control of the power of government with overreach
maneuvers, none of which directly benefits black
Racism in America, in one sense, has been about
discrimination on the basis of skin color. Lately, it
has become something else. Its usage is now mainly a
tool to extract power and privilege for others in the
name of black civil right.
When the need is to shore up or build a bridge to
liberties for others, liberals invoke racism to resist
opposition. Interestingly, the charge is never used to
defend conservative ideas, no matter how good they are.
Black plight, not pride, has always been useful to
liberal politicians.
You may have heard often this proposition: Republicans
want President Obama to fail because he is black.
Most Republicans did not vote for Obama the Democrat
because of ideological differences. But, once you accept
this notion of dislike because he is black, then you are
likely to excuse white Democrats from racial bigotry.
About this time you begin to lose perspective of the
problem that liberal racist guise poses for black America: It
has always been used to lure black power to uphold
liberal ideals.
And your view of history may also be affected. For,
nowhere in American history has it been documented that
white conservative Republicans alone hated blacks.
President Lincoln, a Republican freed blacks. The
Southern Jim Crow governors and politicians were
Since then, we have come a long way to elect the first
black president in history. But this historical
achievement is unraveling in front of our very eyes. The
reputation of this black president is beginning to
crumble under the weight of his liberal champions.
So why must conservative opposition to
this tendency be deemed racist?
Starting with Obamacare, Democrats have forced through
Congress this healthcare plan that is essentially
suitable to their brand of politics but inimical to that
of the Republicans.
Obamacare was pushed through Congress at a ferocious and
divisive pace. This was an achievement that Democrats
had wanted for decades and couldn't accomplish even
under Bill and Hillary Clinton.
For clarity, it should be known that Republicans wanted
a market driven affordable healthcare, with the plan
choices firmly in the hands of individuals. For this, they
have conveniently been accused of racism and not caring
enough for the poor.
True, the poor need affordable healthcare. But, it can
only be affordable because it is subsidized. Either of
the Republican or Democrat approach can do that. The
exception is that the individual would have been free of
government control under the Republican plan.
The Democrat approach was pushed through in haste in
2010. It was socialist in intent and promised government
control of the process. But right at the start of the
program, it started unraveling and the exact problems
that some Republicans had predicted began to show.
At this point you would think liberals would have had
enough. But the ride on Obama's back was proving to
yield more gold. They just tossed a dynamite into the
procedural rules in the Senate to lessen opposition to
Obama and liberal legislations.
Under the pretext that Republicans are blocking Obama's
nominees to federal appointed offices, Democrats have
reduced the super majority votes required for approval
to simple majority. Thus, the “advise and consent”
role of Senate, a custom that had stood for two
centuries in that august body, has been weakened, all in
account to impair further Republican opposition.
This bold parliamentary maneuver could not have been
done under a white president's watch. None of them would
have wanted
the legacy.
You know a ruse cloaked in the guise of liberal
principles when you see Harry Reid, the white Democrat
Senate majority leader, on the Senate floor fending for Obama.
About this gentleman Harry Reid, you can't say no more
than to match his tactic's to that of Robespierre,
according to whom there were only two political parties
- "the people and the enemies.".
The Washington Post reported on November 21, 2013 that
Harry Read “used a rare parliamentary move to change the
rules so that federal judicial nominees and
executive-office appointments can advance to
confirmation votes by a simple majority of senators,
rather than the 60-vote…. .. the rule change represents
a substantial power shift in a chamber that for more
than two centuries has prided itself on affording more
rights to the minority party than any other legislative
body in the world. “
The Post, not a conservative paper, continued also with
an opinion from the Republican Senate minority leader,
Mitch McConnell, that “linked the rule change to the
methods used to approve Obama’s health-care law solely
with Democratic votes.”
The gimmickry for Obamacare has already caused a
grievous partisan rift. Unfortunately, the latest
“Nuclear Option” would make matters worse.
Any president from this day onward can steamroller his
judicial appointments through with the help of a simple
majority vote by his henchmen in the Senate. And his policies
can then be forced through a packed court in time of
legal challenges
This is not a passing a black president should be proud
of. The move is a setback for American democracy. The
political process in America is beginning to look more
like a rubber stamp parliament in a Third World.
Unfortunately, it has occurred under Obama’s watch.
Harry Read’s interest for supporting Obama now seems
more like audacious white guilt pushing for liberal
white control. But, for good or bad, it all will be part
of Obama’s legacy.
How this legacy will speak about Obama’s competence is
moot for now. But it will be interesting to know if the
same liberal crowd would have supported a black
conservative president. And whether any opposition to
the policies of this conservative black president could
be met with the charge of racism or that the charge
would have simply changed to calls of Uncle Tom?
For once, I don’t know what an Uncle Tom looks like.
E. Ablorh-Odjidja, publisher, www.ghanadot.com,
Washington, DC, November 22, 2013
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