invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject submissions,
but we are not necessarily responsible for the opinions expressed
in articles we publish......MORE
Forwarded by a
friend in Ghana asking for my comments. Posted exactly
as received with nothing taken away or added.
Many times Ghanaian’s who live
abroad have a particular way of looking down on those
who stayed behind, and their demeanor and posture
suggest that they think very little of the country of
their origin and the people who live there. But from a
critical observation, they are as well part of the brain
drain problem in Ghana. And most of their arguments are
flawed because they were the very people the country
needed for change.
country can develop if its best brains leave the country
and use their skills to develop other countries. I am
privileged to be friends with the nephew of the ruler of
Dubai, Ayul, and from the little exposure, he has given
me to some inner circles. I realized there is a sharp
difference between how the U.A.E diaspora thinks and how
the Ghanaian diasporans think. Sharp contrast!
The Ghanaian diasporans think
that they can escape the poverty in Ghana, live all
their best lives abroad, make money for themselves and
their families, and come back home to meet a paradise
they didn't create. That's certainly a wrong way of
thinking. Who should create that paradise for you when
most of all your efforts in life were to create a
paradise for yourself and other countries?
Though the Ghanaian diaspora
sends remittances to their family's home, it doesn't
only take money to develop a country, it takes brains,
information, and absolute commitment. Meeting some U.A.E
diasporans, these people love their countries more than
their second country and they import ideas and skills
from those countries home. They have a 1% commitment to
their second country and a 99% commitment to their home
country. The U.A.E diasporans respect their locals 100%
if even they are not at their level of understanding.
The Ghanaian diasporan expect
even ordinary Ghanaian’s with no exposure to be on their
level when they return and they have no patience or
tolerance whatsoever to understand that they were not in
their experience and are not exposed to the things they
are exposed to, and they have to do some quality
teaching and imparting of knowledge to contribute to the
life of the people they left behind. But they rather
behave in a cocky and disrespectful way as if they
expect to be worshipped. It doesn't work that way.
The story of the U.A.E wasn't
turn around by only the ruler. All U.A.E diasporans saw
the need to come back home, import skills, connections,
to help their country. They saw each other as one
people, undivided, and held their hearts and hands
together to create the paradise we see there today.
These people are so selfless to their country that, they
can die together to save it. The Ghanaian diasporan
wants to be a boss when they return home. They know it
all. They don't even think the locals know something
they might not know about the system.
And instead of trying to
import an inapplicable solution to an entirely different
system, they should rather help those who already know
the system and influence change. They whine and whine
until they give up achieving nothing when they would
have achieved much more results by changing the
approach. From what I've learned from the Emirates my
heart and commitment will forever be with Ghana rather
than other countries.
Long Live Ghana!
Richard M. Amegatse*
And a response from a
senior Ghanaian citizen, a returned diasporan, doctor
and professor of medicine follows.
Ignorance, jealousy and lack of appreciation of the
diaspora's contributions to the betterment of Ghana by
being great ambassadors.
Many nations reward
their diasporans with national honors and invite them to
participate in national development teams.
Ghana does the opposite by screening them out.
This writer denies the factors that push the Ghanaian
diaspora out as well as those forces that inhibit their
productive returns.
All the writer sees is the finished
result of the diasporan's return at home. And this is
enough to spark envy on his part
You hardly
notice a security house at the gate of a Ghanaian
returning from the USA but that is common site at the
entrances of the corrupt ones left in Ghana. .
Related article:
Brain-drain, or brain on lease?
Archived ::
September 2006
Archived ::
August 2006
I. K. Gyasi,
Ghanaian Chronicle
Archived ::
July 2006