invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject submissions,
but we are not necessarily responsible for the opinions expressed
in articles we publish......MORE
Response to "Unconditional
Debt Relief is Not the Answer for Africa's Development"
Neil Watkins,
July 7, 2008
Franklin Cudjoe’s recent
editorial denouncing the Jubilee Act for Responsible
Lending and Expanded Debt Cancellation (“To Washington
Legislators: Unconditional Debt Relief is Not the Answer
for Africa's Development,” July 6) seems to pull
information directly from talking points of
ideologically driven activists circulating
misinformation about the bill, rather than from the
legislation itself.
HR 2634, The Jubilee Act as passed by the House,
includes 11 specific requirements to ensure only
democratic nations with accountable policies are
eligible for debt cancellation, and a further 7
requirements to ensure countries use the money in the
fight against poverty. These criteria include public
financial management, budget transparency, free and fair
elections, and other requirements typical of US foreign
assistance programs. Had Mr. Cudjoe read the
legislation, he would have been unable to say that “the
Jubilee Act includes no such provisions.”
Further, the Jubilee Act recognizes and works to end the
unsustainable ‘lend and forgive cycle’ that has brought
on the need for debt relief. The bill requires the
Secretary of the Treasury to work for international
policies that preserve the gains of debt relief to date
and support the development of new responsible financing
standards that ensure transparency and accountability to
citizens, human rights, and the avoidance of new odious
The Jubilee Act is a responsible measure that builds on
a decade of successful debt relief. It would give some
of the world’s poorest countries that have been left out
of previous debt deals a fair chance. One such country
is Lesotho, which pays approximately the same amount in
debt service annually as it spends on its entire
education budget, while 34% of its children are not
enrolled in primary school.
Debt relief is a bi-partisan issue; it is also a
pragmatic and tested tool in the fight against global
poverty. Recognizing this, 69 Republicans joined most
Democrats in voting for the bill in the House. The
legislation is supported by more than 60 religious
denominations, development agencies, and human rights
organizations, including the US Conference of Catholic
Bishops, the ONE campaign and evangelical development
network Micah Challenge.
Debt relief is an investment in the growth and stability
of the African continent as well as low-income countries
world-wide. It can make U.S. aid more effective by
ensuring aid money does not simply flow back out of
countries in the form of debt repayments. We encourage
Washington lawmakers to support this legislation,
recognizing that debt cancellation is one crucial piece
in the wider fight against global poverty.
Neil Watkins
National Coordinator
Danielle Pals
Policy Fellow
Jubilee USA Network
212 East Capitol Street, NE
Washington, DC 20003
(202) 783-0214
Kufuor and Yar'Adua question Mbeki's
seriousness about Zimbabwe at G8
July 8,
Guardian, UK - At what was described as a fiery meeting,
President George Bush, German chancellor Angela Merkel and
Canada's prime minister, Stephen Harper, all challenged
Mbeki's assertion that his quiet diplomacy was working
.... More |
CPP’s campaign moves into higher
gear as party starts massive membership drive
Accra, July 7, Ghanadot/GNA -
The Convention People’s Party’s (CPP) national campaign
moves into higher gear, as the party plans to get its
“legendary organization magic” firmly rooted by the
middle of September in preparation for a massive
national rally to be held on Sunday September 21st,
2008, the birth date of Dr Kwame Nkrumah.. . ..More |
Response to "Unconditional Debt
Relief is Not the Answer for Africa's Development"
Washington, July 7, Ghanadot - Franklin Cudjoe’s
recent editorial denouncing the Jubilee Act for
Responsible Lending and Expanded Debt Cancellation (“To
Washington Legislators: Unconditional Debt Relief is Not
the Answer for Africa's Development,” July 6) seems to
pull information ....More
APRM centre of excellence to be
established in Ghana
Accra, July 7, Ghanadot/GNA – Ghana is to host an
African Peer Review Mechanism centre of excellence to
enhance the concept of good governance in the
sub-region......More |