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Africa Union can Save Kenya
Kenya is on fire. What was thought to be ‘pockets of violence’
as our government spokesperson once put it seems to have mutated
into a wild fire devouring the country from Western to Naivasha,
45 minutes away from Nairobi. The shocking scenario is the
apparent impotence of the State which holds and controls
monopoly of force.
Government officials in the comfort of their air conditioned
offices argue that the ODM party is behind the violence
consuming our beloved country. Others argue that its ‘genocide’!
How can genocide be perpetrated by groups of individuals who
have no monopoly and instruments of government force and power?
Listening to the government side, one gets the feeling that
someone is happy to see more violence for the simple attempt to
paint another party dirty. Unfortunately, the signal received by
the citizenry is that of a government that is not in control and
is in a state of panic. Matters are made even worse when media
reports implicate hiring of Ugandan military to maintain law and
order in Kenya.
The ODM side, while presenting a calm face, seems not ready to
tell Kenyans what strategies they have in place to make Kenyans
safe and resettle in their rightful property. Although history
might have planted the injustice communities are agitating
against, ODM leaders should state clearly what they plan to do
to rectify the situation without exposing innocent second
generation citizens to trauma.
One month down the line, it is clear that hiding behind legalism
will not restore the republic of Kenya to its peaceful state.
The chastity of the judiciary was defiled in the eyes of Kenyans
on December 30th 2007. The chastity of the police too has gone
down the drain given the fact that the army is seen to be the
only neutral arbiter. As elites, we might continue investing in
our tribal strength, but if its true that Naivasha – a - 45
minutes drive away from Nairobi has been overrun by vigilantes
then the safety of the capital city is in doubt.
I propose that the African Union use its clout to force the PNU
side to a sober talking mode by using the strongest terms
possible to reject any recognition to the current administration
whose legitimacy is in doubt. The African Union has always been
touted as a toothless dog. Every time the African Union chiefs
talk about ‘solving African problems’; they run to wealthy
nations for aid. Kenya presents the African Union an excellent
opportunity to rejuvenate itself by using its diplomatic clout
to strongly reject the outcome of the flawed electoral process
in Kenya. The A.U. ought not to participate in laundering an
electoral coup as was witnessed on December 30 2007. To
recognize a process that is highly contested in Kenya will be
sowing further a field seeds that will strangle democracy in
Africa for the future. The younger generation in Africa must
seize the moment and help African Freedom fighters to retire in
peace. We need a new and dynamic Africa where each one has equal
opportunity to leave a positive imprint on this continent.
A sober PNU and ODM dialogue and negotiation should focus on two
main issues: national perception and justice. Who among the two
can produce a leader who based on the current discontent in the
country can command respect and return the country to normalcy
without the use of bayonets and bullets? What type of joint
mechanism will be put in place to ensure return of property to
rightful owners and compensation for clash victims? The tough
decisions involve two personalities, Mr. Odinga and Mr. Kibaki.
Who among this two, if he were to step down will signal an end
to the bloodbath in Kenya?
James Shikwati is the Director
Inter Region Economic Network email: james@irenkenya.org |