invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject submissions,
but we are not necessarily responsible for the opinions expressed
in articles we publish......MORE
W.T.O: Africa Must Take a Leave of Absence
It is a high time Africa resorted to an alternative plan. The
World Trade Organization has tossed African countries from one
issue to the next without leading to any significant gains.
Initially, African countries and other poor countries literally
begged for medicine for their sick under the stringent measure
adopted under the TRIPS (Trade Related aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights). Then came the procurement issues, but
simmering in the underbelly of negotiations was market access of
African products to the rich nations' markets. Wealthy nations
on the other hand have their eyes fixed on having Africa
liberalize their industrial and services sectors.
During the recent plebiscite in Kenya, a prominent nominated
Member of Parliament opted not to join the mammoth campaign
rallies but rather stealthily build her grass root support. When
asked why she took such an approach, she argued that it would
make little sense to be in a victorious camp when one had no
bargaining power. What lesson can Africa learn from this?
African nations must seek to broaden their internal market base
by opening up to each other. Unless the continent builds its own
grass root trading system, pushing for each individual 54
nations to meet W.T.O. standards will change little in
bargaining power. A country such as Namibia with a market of
1.9million consumers, or Burundi with 7 million people for
instance, is expected to negotiate with countries such as the
U.S.A (295 million people) or China (1.3 billion people).
Instead of Africa seeking to consolidate her fragmented market,
each country is seeking to play out its own game.
As Africans head to Hong Kong, it is very clear that the World
Trade Organization agenda implicitly pushes African strategists
to focus more on external markets as opposed to addressing the
continental shortcomings. The continent lacks a uniform and
standardized business procedure making it difficult for any
entrepreneur to tap into the market of 800 million consumers.
Exaggerated nationalism in the continent exposes millions to
starvation as each country raises agricultural barriers against
its neighbors. Travel restrictions and visa delays make it
difficult for African business people to invest locally.
Unpredictable rule of law, in most cases controlled by the
political elite, compromises the ability of Africans to be
The people negotiating at the W.T.O are government officials
keen to protect their own industries while 'persuading’ others
to lift their barriers. This kind of framework cannot lead to a
World free trade area. With Africa contributing only 2% to the
global trade arena, the best option would be for the continent
to opt out and push for unilateral trade agreements while
investing more time in inward reorganization.
Take East African countries for example: with an estimated
population of 100 million people; negotiators will be joining
their West African counterparts on the cotton subsidy debate
when it would be in their best interest to specialize in other
products. Because each African country seems to produce similar
products, it is easier for wealthy nations to split their joint
negotiating attempts. Moreover, the recent debt relief and more
aid pledges to Africa place any sober negotiator from Africa in
a tight fix. You cannot play hardball with one who feeds you!
The East African nations go to Hong Kong in bad shape; they are
facing political upheavals. Kenya is yet to emerge from a
devastating government defeat in a constitutional referendum,
Tanzania is bracing itself for an election, and Uganda is
driving in reverse towards the dictatorship of the 80's. All
these events may jeopardize their effectiveness in trade
The key priority in Africa must be to address the consumption
problem facing the continent. With a population of 800 million
people, the continent has not been able to address the needs of
its huge market in terms of medicine and agricultural products
among others, leading to high incidences of disease and
malnutrition. What individual African countries have done is to
impose against each other an average of 33.6% tariffs on
agricultural products, while lowering tariffs for Europe which
is hit by only 12.7% and East Asia b an average of 19%.
To address the consumption problem in Africa, it will be
strategic for the continent to get out of the World Trade body
and take time to re-examine its policies. Western and Northern
African states are headed to Hong Kong with one key demand in
mind: to negotiate the rich nations out of subsidizing their
cotton sector. For African governments to set their global trade
agenda effectively, they ought to abolish all trade barriers
within Africa, get Africans producing without hindrance and then
go to the negotiating table.
The present set up at the W.T.O. leads to each individual
African state playing against its neighbor on goods they would
otherwise not have produced. It does not make good economic
sense to have rich nations allowing market access to each tiny
African nation that produces cotton for this will make the intra
African barriers even higher. Africa must learn the rules of the
game. It is in Africa's own interests that she must invest in
creating a sound business environment within Africa in order to
increase her competitiveness. Africa must ask for a leave of
absence from the W.T.O!
James Shikwati
Director IREN
CEO The African Executive
Nyaku House, Mezzanine Floor
Argwings Kodhek Road, Hurlingham
P.O.Box 135 00100 Nairobi Kenya
Tel: 020 273 1497
Fax: 020 272 3258
Websites: www.irenkenya.com
African governments set aviation
safety as high priority
Accra, July 31,
Ghanadot/GNA - Vice President Alhaji Aliu Mahama on
Thursday said with Africa having been criticized for its
poor record in air safety and security, it was
praiseworthy that African governments
..More |
W.T.O: Africa Must Take a Leave of
Commentary, July 31, Ghanadot - African nations must
seek to broaden their internal market base by opening up
to each other. Unless the continent builds its own grass
root trading system, pushing for each individual 54
nations to meet W.T.O....
...More |
UG to confer degrees on CJ, Ibn
Chambas and others
Accra, July 30, Ghanadot/GNA
- The University of Ghana on Wednesday announced it would
confer honorary degrees on some distinguished personalities,
including Chief Justice Georgina Wood and Dr. Mohamed Ibn
Chambas, President of the ECOWAS Commission....More
Surveyors asked to put services at municipalities and
assemblies’ disposal
Accra, Aug 1, Ghanadot/GNA-This year’s Annual
Land Surveyors’ Seminar organized by the Land Surveying
Division of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors (GhIS)
has taken place in Accra, with a call on members to
endeavour to put their services...More