invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject submissions,
but we are not necessarily responsible for the opinions expressed
in articles we publish......MORE
Beijing 2008 Olympics and Africa
James Shikwati,
August 9, 2008
An estimated 10,500 athletes, 20,000 journalists, thousands of
sports officials and observers will converge in China from
August 4 - 24, 2008 for the 29th edition of the Olympic Games.
China's long term dream to restore its pride and prestige
globally seems to be finally taking off. What parallels and
lessons can African leadership draw from the China Olympic
China has been criticized for its human rights record and had to
fend off calls for boycott of Olympic games in China over its
involvement in Darfur. It has also been accused of limiting its
citizens’ freedoms by placing a security firewall on internet
sites deemed critical of China. Over and above the fear of
potential terrorist attacks, China is also faced with serious
pollution problems. Already; Australian athletes have raised
concerns over their health due to the smog measuring up to 1320
micrograms (said to be 26 times Australia standard for quality
air!) that has descended on Beijing city.
The deliberate push to reinvent China's place in the world
no-matter-what, is quite evident. Some commentators trace it
back to the disastrous defeat China suffered in the hands of
British troops in the 1840 - 1842 Opium War. China's ambition
has over the years focused on the quest for recognition and
reversal of the fortunes hence the drive towards the peaceful
rise of the 'dragon.'
Africa may not have homogenous parallels as far as an African
empire is concerned; but the leadership does have a background
of failure that makes them be indebted to the upcoming
generations. For instance, African leaders in the 16th Century
played a role in Slave Trade that saw an estimated 11 million
Africans uprooted from their homes and shipped to foreign lands.
In the 19th century, leaders in post colonial Africa outrightly
ran down African economies and failed to offer leadership when
geopolitical interests ran against the interests of African
As in China, a majority of African leaders have no good human
rights record; they have prevented Africans from accessing
information about their own government activities. It is easier
for Africans to narrate governance issues in say, the United
States of America and Europe (among other countries) than it is
to describe their own government activities. African leaders
always hide in some sort of 'official secrets law' to deny their
citizens information; hence what is going on in Africa-one has
to get data from donor agencies! Through poor policies, Africans
have been denied access to internet, electricity and open media.
Talk of pollution...walk in major cities in Africa and your nose
can help tell the amount of diesel and petrol in the air. Air
quality standard is no priority (everyone is struggling to get
food!) because of the many cars that emit exhaust containing
incomplete fuel combustion. The living standard of the poor
citizenry especially in the cities is appalling: no sewer, no
access roads, and no water - this is life at its most brutal
level! Unfortunately for Africa, were Olympics to be hosted in
our capitals, all these will be turned into major poverty
tourism sites!
African leaders can draw lessons from China's quest to right the
historical wrongs they have committed to their people by seeking
to propel their country to global relevance. That very quest has
led to China involuntarily opening itself up to the World. The
major powers of the World are descending on Africa for its
command of 13% of known oil reserves - what are our leaders
doing to ensure that that this quest for oil makes Africa a
better place for all? South Africa will be hosting the 2010
World Cup; what is our leadership doing to ensure that African
entrepreneurs take advantage to position their businesses in the
global economy?
Clearly, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games offer a strong lesson
for Africans to learn to be competitive and use past mistakes to
energize positive strategies for the future. The Chinese are not
hosting Olympics to merely earn revenue from the sports; they
are positioning themselves globally.
South Africa and by extension Africa ought not to host the 2010
World Cup to simply generate revenue; Africans must use it to
reposition the continent as the next frontier for big business
and stability.
James Shikwati
Director IREN
CEO The African Executive
Nyaku House, Mezzanine Floor
Argwings Kodhek Road, Hurlingham
P.O.Box 135 00100 Nairobi Kenya
Tel: 020 273 1497
Fax: 020 272 3258
Websites: www.irenkenya.com
Beijing 2008 Olympics and Africa
Commentary, Aug
9, Ghanadot - An estimated 10,500 athletes, 20,000
journalists, thousands of sports officials and observers
will converge in China from August 4 - 24, 2008 for the 29th
edition of the Olympic Games ....More
Cedi gains on pound and euro but
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Accra, Aug 8, Ghanadot/GNA - Ghana Cedi closed
the week today Friday with gains to the Pound and Euro
but continued fall to the dollar thus pushing up the
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Extravagant Ceremony Opens 2008 Olympic Games
BEIJING, Aug. 8, Washingtonpost - A triumphant China
kicked off the 2008 Olympic Games Friday evening with an
extravagant opening ceremony that chronicled the country's
5,000-year history and temporaril...More
Scientists need to improve technology to enhance agriculture
- Deputy Regional Minister
Bolgatanga, Aug. 8, GNA - Mrs. Agnes Chigabatia,
Upper East Deputy Regional Minister, on Thursday underscored
the need for agriculture scientists to come out with
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