invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject submissions,
but we are not necessarily responsible for the opinions expressed
in articles we publish......MORE
KUHNER: The fetal solution
For much of the 20th century,
socialists have sought to erect a utopian society. Karl
Marx thought the proletariat would serve as the engine
of revolutionary change. World War I, however, exposed
the profound illusion at the core of the old Marxism.
Nationalism, not class warfare, proved to be the
dominant force in history. German and French workers
sided with their fellow bourgeois countrymen rather than
rise up in solidarity and overthrow their capitalist
masters. Hence, the modern left realized that in order
to overthrow capitalism, the very culture that sustains
it - Christianity - must be destroyed. Economic struggle
was to be replaced with cultural struggle.
Liberalism has long been at war with traditional
America. During the 1960s, it launched a sweeping sexual
revolution. It has created a new morality; the
counterculture has become the dominant culture. Its
central principles are individual gratification and
personal liberation. God, country, family - these are
the values of a prior age, a Christian civilization that
is no more. Prominent new-left theorists, such as
Herbert Marcuse, championed Sigmund Freud's "pleasure
principle." Marcuse argued - and campus radicals eagerly
embraced - the notion that sex was the key to individual
fulfillment. Marriage and the traditional family were to
be subverted through sexual perversity and promiscuity.
It was Marcuse who coined the phrase "Make love, not
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Collective Insecurity?- Critical
Diagnosis of Ghana’s Position on the Ivorian Electoral
Commentary, Jan 23, Ghanadot - Ghana is entangled in a
diplomatic conundrum following President Mills’ declared
position of noninvolvement militarily in the Ivorian crisis
and allegations of supporting Gbagbo. ...More |
Guardian, UK, Sept 17, Ghanadot
- South Africa's biggest private hospital group was on
Wednesday charged in connection with an alleged organ
trafficking ......More
Rethinking George Bush?
Townhall, Sept 17, Ghanadot - For one
thing, recent polls show an astounding rebound in the former
president's favorability -- to the extent that in the bellwether
state of Ohio, voters would rather still have Bush as president
than Obama by a 50-42 margin. . ..More