This is why there are things we
don�t say about race (even when they are true)
Guardian, UK, March 24, Ghanadot - " I�m
sure this is all true; but this one exchange highlights
just why we need caution. Facts in themselves are
neutral but their interpretation certainly isn�t. And
while on their own facts cannot be racist, the way they
are chosen certainly can be........More
$940m IMF bailout: CSOs want
RTI bill passed for monitoring
Star, March 26, Ghanadot - The International
Monetary Fund�s $940 million bailout programme for Ghana
makes it more imperative for the West African country�s
parliament to pass the stalled Right To Information bill
into law to enable civil society groups and the media
effectively monitor the programme, the Civil Society
Platform on Ghana�s IMF Bailout has said......More
Let�s not fool ourselves. We
may not bribe, but corruption is rife in Britain
Guardian, March 20, Ghanadot - It just doesn�t
compute. Almost every day the news is filled with
stories that look to me like corruption. Yet on
Transparency International�s corruption index Britain is
ranked 14th out of 177 nations, suggesting that it�s one
of the best-run nations on Earth. Either all but 13
countries are spectacularly corrupt or there�s something
wrong with the index......More |
Commentary, March 20, Ghanadot -
To their dismay, they were met with loud boos and
hooting by residents of the City. The booing got intense
at the Central business area and the March had to brace
the hostile reaction from the traders and by-standers to
continue....Many of the residents expressed their
disgust with the 'thank you' March, and wondered how in
the face of the current excruciating economic hardships
and the monstrous power crisis anybody will resort to
such needless praise singing...... .More