A review of the arts and literature .....More
James Cameron's Avatar is a
stylish film marred by its racist subtext
James Cameron's Avatar is a stylish
film marred by its racist subtext
By far the
most contemptible theme in Avatar involves the hero,
a young disabled American called Jake Sully, played
Sam Worthington. Before the humans declare war
on the Na’vi, Sully is sent to them (in the form of
a blue-skinned avatar) in a last ditch attempt to
find a diplomatic solution. But, lo and behold, he
becomes one of them – sympathising so much with
their plight that he decides to lead them into
battle against the humans.
Left-wing conceits go, this one surely tops all the
others: the ethnic Na’vi, the film suggests, need
the white man to save them because, as a less
developed race, they lack the intelligence and
fortitude to overcome their adversaries by
.....More |
Pharmacists call on gov’t to set
up independent body to investigate the Kinapharma-cocaine
Accra, Dec 23, Ghanadot - The Governing Board and
members of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH)
have called on the government as a matter of urgency to
set up an independent investigation body to probe the
whole Kinapharma-cocaine incident.....More |
James Cameron's Avatar is a
stylish film marred by its racist subtext
London, Dec 24, Telegraph, UK - James Cameron's Avatar is a stylish
film marred by its racist subtext. By far the
most contemptible theme in Avatar involves the hero,
a young disabled American called Jake Sully, played
Sam Worthington. ...More
Recognizing Professor Albert
Washington, DC, Dec 20, Ghanadot - There is
very little to add to the citation given to Dr. Albert
Wright by his peers. Silently, he has been working
in the background to make his contribution to the world. ...More |
Chief calls on Advocacy
Groups to intensify campaign on negative
GNA - Nana Osei Kwame Agyemang Serebour Tia-Toa,
Paramount Chief of Juansa Traditional Area, has
called on Human Rights Advocacy Groups and
stakeholders to intensify campaign against
cultural practices that impact negatively on the
development of women in society.....More