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International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave
Trade and its Abolition, 23 August
- Message from UNESCO Director-General
Freedom from slavery and servitude is a fundamental
human right recognized in Article 4 of the United
Nations Declaration of Human Rights, whose 60th
anniversary we celebrate this year. On this tenth
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave
Trade and its Abolition, let us therefore remember
the millions of men, women and children who were
subjected to this most invidious denial of human
rights, and those who fought tirelessly to end that
This year’s International Day for the Remembrance of
the Slave Trade and its Abolition also coincides
with another important commemoration: the
bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade by
the United States of America in 1808. Although this
historic piece of legislation and similar abolition
acts proclaimed in the early nineteenth century did
not end the institution of slavery, they greatly
contributed to dismantling the most long-lasting and
widespread system of domination and oppression in
human history. ....