Jonathan Wilson, SI.com
29, 2010
So much for the
boost African sides were supposed to receive
from the first African World Cup. Only Ghana
made it through to the last 16, and had Serbia
been awarded the late penalty it deserved in its
defeat to Australia -- and converted it -- the
Black Stars would also have been on the way
home. Had that
happened, Africa would not have had a
representative in the second phase of the World
Cup for the first time since 1982. |
Asamoah Gyan |
When Cameroon
reached the quarterfinals in 1990 -- and very nearly
beat England -- there was a widespread assumption that
African football had arrived, and that its sides would
be regular challengers at every tournament thereafter.
The metanarrative of progress endures, with each
disappointing performance from an African side regarded
as nothing more than a setback on the eventual road to
an African victory. Since Cameroon's achievement,
though, only Senegal has equaled its feat of reaching
the last eight, in 2002. The truth is surely rather that
African football at the national level has failed, and
that, for all the proliferation of African players at
the highest level in Europe, football is no closer to an
African World Cup winner now than it was 20 years ago.
Vahid Halilhodzic, who was sacked as coach of Ivory
Coast in February after its elimination in the
quarterfinals of the African Cup of Nations, highlighted
three major reasons for the failure of African football
to develop: corruption, disorganization and
"African football suffers from chronic organizational
problems," he said. "There, politicians are interfering
in absolutely everything, especially football. The
reasons are obvious: Football is very popular,
particularly on the national level, and some marginal
political characters are using football to collect
political points.
"Basically, what we have is organizational chaos, but
corruption also plays its part."
That is seen most obviously in agents offering bribes so
players they represent are called up to the national
team, increasing their market value. Otto Pfister, the
veteran German coach who has a wealth of experience in
Africa, remembers an agent sitting on the bench during
Cameroon's first World Cup qualifier for South Africa.
"That just shouldn't happen," he said. He resigned in
May 2009. Pfister was also Togo's coach in the 2006
World Cup, a campaign derailed by a dispute over the
nonpayment of player bonuses.
"One of biggest problems is the fact that most of the
players are very narcissistic. Individuality comes
first," Halilhodzic said.
"Socioeconomic status in Africa plays a big role; that
is where that individualism comes from. Everybody wants
to assert themselves and create a chance to play in
Europe. The personal has precedence over team interest,
so there is a lack of team spirit, and this makes it
impossible to create winners."
Ghana coach Milovan Rajevac addressed just that issue
last November when he fined three senior players --
Michael Essien, Sully Muntari and Asamoah Gyan -- $3,000
for skipping a friendly against Angola. When Muntari was
slow to pay, he dropped him for the Cup of Nations in
January, while the emergence of a highly talented crop
of biddable young Ghanaian players means the older
players in the squad know they have to knuckle down or
they'll be replaced.
Usually, though, it is the coaches who are replaced, as
Halilhodzic discovered. He had made clear he saw the Cup
of Nations as a learning experience ahead of the World
Cup, but when his Ivory Coast side, having taken an
89th-minute lead against Algeria in the quarterfinal,
then conceded a soft equalizer and was unable to raise
itself in extra time, he was sacked. After 18 months
without defeat, he lost his job, as he put it, "for two
minutes of madness."
All his preparatory work was cast aside, and Sven-Goran
Eriksson was appointed despite a total lack of
experience in the African game.
"Expectations are utopian," Pfister said in a recent
interview with DPA, the German Press Agency. "Nigeria's
president, for example, said, 'We want to become world
champions.' Football has so much power in Africa that
even heads of states must fear for their jobs if their
team fails. The African nations have world-class players
everywhere, but the officials tear lumps out of each
other. And the officials are not in their posts because
of their knowledge but for political reasons."
That leads to a desperation for success and the
short-termism, which has reached such absurd levels that
the six African sides at the World Cup have had between
them 18 coaching changes since the beginning of 2008 --
and these are, by definition, the most successful sides
on the continent.
It is perhaps also significant that of those six, only
Algeria has a domestic coach. Japan and South Korea,
notably, after success with foreigners in the 2002 World
Cup, have qualified for the second round this time with
local coaches. The reasons are partially political -- in
Nigeria, for instance, an Igbo coach would be accused of
bias against Hausa or Yaruba players, whereas a European
is assumed not to make such distinctions -- but also
because of a lack of coaching infrastructure. Put
simply, there is nobody coaching the coaches, and even
if there were, it would be extremely hard for those
coaches to secure the positions at European leagues that
are probably necessary to raise their status
sufficiently to handle the egos of players playing and
earning in Europe.
Development of players is only marginally better. For
all the romanticized and at times patronizing talk of
"the natural African game" with its emphasis on flair
and dribbling, the vast majority of Africans playing in
Europe are strong, powerful strikers, midfield runners
or center backs; players, in other words, whose game is
based on physique rather than technique. The fault may
be in European clubs who have a particular template in
mind when signing African players, but Halilhodzic
believes academies in Africa must take their share of
the blame.
"The lack of creators is a huge problem," Halilhodzic
said. "It was the same in Ivory Coast. I had great
strikers, good defense, but I didn't have a man who
could take the strings of the game in his hands. That
means improvisation, which is never good. Why is there a
lack of such players in Africa today? Well, everything
starts in the football schools and academies. They
obviously don't work in the right way, they don't create
football thinkers. But you have to think about that
economics: Everybody wants to sell themselves as soon as
possible, and the easiest way to do that is to score
The infrastructure of player and coaching development is
poor, and the levels of corruption and disorganization
mean that is unlikely to change anytime soon. Stars may
emerge or coaches like Rajevac may be able to foster
team spirit to elevate nations in the short term, but
the long-term prognosis is poor. African football is not
progressing, but more worrying is that it is not even
progressing toward progress.
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Corruption, disorganization blamed for
Africa's poor showing at Cup
SI.com, June 29, Ghanadot - So much for the boost African
sides were supposed to receive from the first African World Cup.
Only Ghana made it through to the last 16, and had Serbia been
awarded the late penalty it deserved in its defeat to Australia
-- and converted it -- the Black Stars would also have been on
the way home....
More |