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trail of scholarship, Dr. Alfred C. Bannerman
E. Ablorh-Odjidja
March 3, 2021
I don't know about what is happening
in our secondary schools of today in Ghana. But time was
when scholarship meant a lot. When the best and brightest
struggled for recognition and scholarships in all kinds of
positive ways.
Those were the days when students from
foreign countries competed to be part of student exchange
programs worldwide, and the best got chosen for foreign exchange
student’s sojourns.
Such was the case for Dr. Alfred
Clayton Bannerman when he was barely 18 years old at Prempeh
College, Kumasi. He was awarded a scholarship to
participate in a foreign student exchange program and came to
the US in the year 1956.,
Dr. Alfred Bannerman, now 85
years old, formerly a Professor of Neurology at Columbia
University, NY. He is married to Mary for over 50 years.
Dr. Bannerman spent most of his adult life in the US.
He is now retired, living as a country gentleman in the rural
hills of Aburi, Ghana.
At his lovely open palatial at
Aburi, you can hear often Dr. Bannerman calling his wife in a
sonorous voice reminiscent of the “Big Ben” - Marrryyy!
It happens habitually when he wants to locate something
in a hurry.
Even at
this age of 85, the good old doctor has a lust for life and
knowledge that extends to many subjects, avid appreciator of
jazz music, loves traveling and already much-traveled to all
corners of the globe, affable entertainer and raconteur, and of
course, never lost a step in his interest in science and
It is a sight to see him these days starring at
the night skies overlooking the Accra plains from his porch at
Aburi and calling out the stars by names.
More... Dr. Alfred C. Bannerman at
E .
Ablorh-Odjidja, Publisher www.ghanadot.com , Washington, DC,
August 28, 2018
Permission to publish: Please feel free to
publish or reproduce, with credits, unedited. If posted at a website,
email a copy of the web page to publisher@ghanadot.com . Or don't
publish at all.

The second MCC compact. Indeed
Commentary, Aug 09, Ghanadot - The compact is
meant to fix some social and economic needs today. But
guess what, whose fault is it that Ghanaians at this
late stage still lack, for instance, sound energy
infrastructure? ......More
Ghana�s plea to IMF a sad
recognition of the perils of prosperity
Guardian, UK, Aug 09, Ghanadot - When the west
African nation discovered the continent�s biggest oil
find of a generation in 2007, expectations were high.
Petrodollars pumped from the Jubilee oilfields would
propel the country into middle-income status if handled
wisely over a decade, the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) predicted. Consultants from Norway advised on how
to avoid the oil curse, seen starkly in neighbouring
Ghana Signs New MCC Agreement
Of $498 million to Help Improve Energy Sector
GBC, Aug 06, Ghanadot -
The Ghana Power Compact is expected to catalyze more
than $4 billion in private energy investment and
activity from American and global energy firms in
the coming years.....support improved management of
Ghana�s entire power system, providing a more robust
framework for private investment as well as a more
competitive process for the procurement of power
from independent producers.......More

Obama announces $33bn in
commitments for Africa
News24, Aug 06, Ghanadot - President Barack Obama
announced $33bn in commitments on Tuesday aimed at
shifting US ties with Africa beyond humanitarian aid and
toward more equal economic partnerships.t..........More