What next, now that we have inaugurated a President, who may
not have been validly elected?
Prof. S. Kweku Asare
As far as I know, no constitution, in the world, recognizes or
even acknowledges the importance of a concession by the losing
presidential candidate in a presidential election. Nevertheless,
the concession has become a ritual that all the advanced
democracies acknowledge and recognize as an important element of
their electoral activities. It is that singular action that
signifies the successful resolution of an election and avoids
the involvement of the judicial branch, in an activity that
should properly belong to the political space.
Occasionally, however, there is a dispute about the election
results and the concession is not forthcoming. In that
situation, the optimal solution is to have the courts resolve
the dispute prior to inaugurating the President. This is because
most countries realize the irreparable harm inherent in
inaugurating a President, who may not have been validly elected.
Such harm includes, but is not limited to, the cloud that hangs
around the Presidency, which might deter international
stakeholders from dealing with the President, or dealing with
him under significant uncertainty. Domestically, the President's
power to appoint is likely to come into conflict with the
legislature's power to vet, as a serious legislature may raise
questions about the wisdom in investing vetting resources into
appointments that may be short-lived. Local actors may be
plunged into a wait-and-see mode and freeze their business
plans, in light of the uncertainty about the direction of the
It was the necessity of avoiding this harm that led the Florida
state courts and the USA federal courts to work tirelessly, and
around the clock, to resolve the election dispute between former
President George W. Bush and the then Vice-President Albert Gore
in 2000. On December 12, 2000, 35 days after the November 7,
2000 election, the USA Supreme Court ended the election dispute,
paving the way for the inauguration of President Bush on January
20, 2001.
In the words of the Court, “when contending parties invoke
the process of the courts, it becomes our unsought
responsibility to resolve the federal and constitutional issues
the judicial system has been forced to confront.” On
December 3, 2004, the Ukraine Supreme Court resolved the
disputed Ukraine presidential election of 21st November,
following televised hearings that lasted only 5 days.
Of course, we currently find ourselves in a peculiar situation
of having inaugurated a President, who may not have been validly
elected. The Chief Justice was required by law to swear in the
President even as the same law required her Court to decide
whether the President, she swore in, was validly elected. It is
easy to forget that nothing in our Constitution necessitates
this patently absurd state of affair. It is an
electoral-commissioner (EC) created problem, facilitated by a
legislature that is too eager to cede legislative power to the
The first President of the 4th Republic was inaugurated on
January 7, 1993. Therefore, under the 4 year-term rule,
succeeding Presidents must be inaugurated on January 7. That is
the constitutionally determined date, from which we must set an
election calendar, taking into account the possibility of a
runoff (under the 50%+1 rule), transition, and where necessary
judicial intervention. Thus, contrary to the popular belief,
there is no constitutional basis or a good reason to hold
general elections on December 7, when the inauguration is slated
for January 7. The December 7 date for holding presidential
elections is an EC created recipe for political chaos, when
viewed in light of the constitutional determined inauguration
To be sure, the Constitution vests the power to conduct and
supervise elections and referenda in the EC. However, this
power, per se, does not confer on the EC the authority to set
election and referenda dates. Rather, what the Constitution
envisages is for the people, through their representatives in
Parliament, to set election and referenda dates and for the EC
to put an electoral infrastructure in place to allow for orderly
voting on those dates. Inexplicably, under C.I. 15, the EC has
arrogated this date-setting power to his office, with the tacit
approval of parliament. The EC does this by issuing a writ of an
election (see C.I. 75(2)(2)(b)).
The EC power-grab, by itself, might not be so problematic if it
was exercised wisely. Alas, as some of us have pointed out in
the past, the election dates set by the EC have been
C.I. 75 does not set a date certain for elections. Rather it
creates a window (not less than 30 days or more than 90 days
after the last day that the EC sets for the nomination of
candidates). In his wisdom, the current EC has chosen days in
the first week in December, exposing the country to the risk of
a rushed transition, the embarrassment of an inauguration while
election disputes are unresolved, and the current political
impasse, epitomized by NPP MPs who appropriately refuse to vet
nominees of a President who may not have been validly elected.
By way of contrast, the 1992 Presidential election was held on
November 3, 1992, two clear months before the presidential
inauguration. It is time for parliament to redress this
quadrennial problem with a law that sets a date for general
elections. The date must take into account the potential for a
runoff, the need for an effective transition as well the
possibility of an election dispute. The first Saturday in
November seems a logical date (see a proposal from 11 years ago
But what next, now that we have inaugurated a President, who may
not have been validly elected?
In my opinion, the Supreme Court, the only body, that can
pronounce on the validity of the election of the President, must
realize the awkwardness of the current situation, confront the
issues and resolve the election dispute expeditiously.
After observing the Court's proceedings for the last month, I am
gravely concerned about the temporal trajectory of the
proceedings and have substantial doubts about whether the
dispute will be timely resolved.
The election petition procedures (C.I. 74) underscore the
importance of a timely resolution of such disputes as they
stipulate daily sittings, (including Saturdays, Sundays and
public holidays) once the petition and answer are duly served
and the application for further and better particulars has been
Alas, 42 days after the petition was filed and 32 days after the
inauguration, the Court seems to be caught in a lot of motions
but very little movement. During this period, the Court has
decided that a political party is a necessary party to an
election litigation that it could not initiate, thereby creating
a curious litigation landscape where only one political party is
joined as a necessary party.
At the same time, the Court has also managed to decide that the
EC needs not share “pink sheets” with petitioners, where such
petitioners (or their agents) were in the election strong room,
notwithstanding that one petitioner was neither a presidential
candidate nor an agent of a presidential candidate and could not
have had access to those pink sheets.
And to top it all, the Court has set aside 16 days for the
petitioners to amend their petition (2 days) and the respondents
to provide amended answers (14 days). By way of contrast, the
USA courts and the Ukraine Supreme Court resolved their
presidential election disputes in 35 and 12 days respectively.
It seems the lack of a clearly specified and smart timeline for
pre-hearing motions is standing in the way of a timely
resolution of this presidential election petition. The
judiciary's record on the timely resolution of election disputes
provides an additional good reason to worry about the pace of
the current presidential election petition.
Followers of the courts and politics, no doubt, recall the case
of Amoo v. Addotey, a parliamentary-election dispute, which took
longer than 4 years to resolve, allowing Addotey to serve a full
term, even though Amoo was validly elected.
It is for this reason that the Supreme Court must now announce
and pre-commit itself to a timetable for the current
presidential election petition.
There are, at least, three advantages to such a pre-commitment.
First, it provides a certain date on which the 2012 Presidential
election outcome will be resolved. This, in turn, will reduce
political uncertainty for all stakeholders, allowing them to
better plan their business and operations.
Second, it will discipline the lawyers involved in the
litigation, allowing them to focus on the substantive issues and
to prepare and present only their most relevant evidence and
important witnesses.
Third, it will discipline the Justices, allowing them to focus
on the substantive issues and freeing them from distracting
motions that lead to bad law (e.g., who can join an election
What should such a timetable look like? The Court should provide
a hearing period, of no more than 10 days, allocated in some way
to the disputants (perhaps 5 days to the petitioners and 5 days
to the respondents). At the end of the hearing, the Court should
give a decision, in no more than 7 days.
Thus, assuming the Court resumes sitting on February 24, (after
the protracted16 day lull for the amended petition and answers),
this case should be decided no later than March 18, 2013. That
will be 100 days after the election, 79 days after the initial
election petition, and 69 days after the inauguration! While
that is certainly too many days to decide an election outcome,
the Court would have managed to “mitigate damages” under the
circumstances and allow the country to return to the semblance
of political normalcy!
Prof. S. Kwaku Asare, University of Florida, USA
March 31, 2013
Kenya’s Supreme Court
Renders a Bad Ruling
April 01, Ghanadot - At any
rate, the SAFEST decision the Supreme Court could have
rendered was to order the Electoral Commission to
re-tally the votes in ALL polling stations since the
sample of 22 polling stations showed some irregularities
and if neither candidate secured 50 percent plus one, to
schedule a run-off.
Ghana: Labour unrest,
reshuffle in security services reported
Actuality, April 01, Ghanadot -
Labour unrest, change of guard in the Ghana Armed Forces
and reshuffle of top officers of the Ghana Police
Service were some of the stories reported in the
Ghanaian media this week....More |
Of Course Ghana Is Not Kenya
Commentary, April 1, Ghanadot
Many Ghanaians including myself
wonder why the drafters of the 1992 Constitution and
members of the Rules of Court Committee who drafted the
Supreme Court (Amendment) Rules, 2012 (CI 74) did not
foresee that any petition that goes before the Supreme
Court to challenge the election of the president needs
to be determined quickly and within a definite time.......More
What next, now that we have
inaugurated a President, who may not have been validly
Commentary, April 01, Ghanadot -
It is easy to forget that nothing in our Constitution
necessitates this patently absurd state of affair. It is
an electoral-commissioner (EC) created problem,
facilitated by a legislature that is too eager to cede
legislative power to the EC....More