invite commentaries from writers all over. The subject is about
Ghana and the world. We reserve the right to accept or reject submissions,
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in articles we publish......MORE
Nigeria: Boost oil output
By Thompson Ayodele
LAGOS, Nigeria
August 10, 2011
The United States routinely faces accusations that its
addiction to oil is the cornerstone of its
interventionist foreign policy. From Kuwait in 1991 to
Iraq in 2003 to Libya today, many believe that the
United States is primarily concerned with protecting its
oil interests.
These accusations have gained currency because America
consumes huge amounts of imported oil. The real problem,
however, lies in dependence on foreign oil and continued
refusal to ease restrictions on domestic production.
While America relies on foreign oil, it remains hesitant
to tap into its own bounties of oil along the Gulf of
Mexico and the West Coast into Alaska. This
unwillingness impairs economic growth and job creation.
It also encourages the argument that U.S. involvement in
the Middle East is solely for the sake of oil.
As a Nigerian, I have seen firsthand just how much
potential the oil and natural-gas industries hold for
economic growth. Nigeria is now the largest producer of
oil in Africa, with crude oil accounting for 40 percent
of the country’s gross domestic product. By making the
most of this natural resource, Nigeria saw 7.6 percent
average annual economic growth from 2003 to 2010.
Loosening restrictions on domestic oil exploration and
development offers economic stimulus in job creation and
increased government revenue.
A study by the American Petroleum Institute says that
increasing access to U.S. oil could create 530,000
American jobs badly needed in the aftermath of the
global economic meltdown and consequently deliver $150
billion more in revenue to the government by 2025.
Estimates of oilfield potential are now far more
accurate, and many places previously deemed unworthy of
exploration are proving to be rich in resources. Older
technology was used to estimate that Alaska’s Prudhoe
Bay oilfield contained a total of 9 billion barrels. It
has already produced over 15 billion.
Seismic technology allows the industry a more precise
understanding of where the best opportunities for
drilling lie, while subsea technology lets producers use
a single platform for development of oil up to 40 miles
Together these technologies reduce the number of wells
needed for exploration and production, prevent drilling
eyesores in oil regions and protect the environment.
Despite the potential of this technology, the government
is hesitant to issue permits that would let companies
move forward with crucial seismic studies of the
Atlantic Ocean.
Making fuller use of America’s natural-gas and oil
potential would not only spur domestic economic growth,
but would benefit the global market as well. For
instance, if America were to begin production in
accordance with its potential, the increased supply
would bring prices down worldwide, unfreeze resources
for consumers that could be used for other household
items and in turn force producers everywhere to become
more competitive.
A move in this direction would also speak volumes to
American motives in the Middle East. If instead of
consuming excessive amounts of foreign oil and hoarding
its own rich supplies, the U.S. contributed to the
global oil market, it would quiet arguments that
interventionist policies are driven by oil.
When considering whether or not to drill for oil, the
U.S. must also consider what the world would be like if
every other major oil-producing country took a similar
stance and restricted their oil production as severely.
It is time for America to take on its share of global
oil production, spurring economic growth through lower
oil prices both at home and abroad.
Thompson Ayodele
Initiative for Public Policy Analysis
P.O.Box 6434
Backup: thompson.ayodele@gmail.com
Website: www.ippanigeria.org
Nigeria: Boost oil output
Commentary, Aug 11, Ghanadot -
While America relies on foreign oil, it remains hesitant
to tap into its own bounties of oil along the Gulf of
Mexico and the West Coast into Alaska. This
unwillingness impairs economic growth and job creation.
It also encourages the argument that U.S. involvement in
the Middle East is solely for the sake of oil.
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Bush lauds progress in
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Dec 1, AP
- Marking World AIDS Day, President Bush said
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