The award winners received television sets,
refrigerators, gas cookers, hi-fi systems, microwave
units, standing fans and books as their prizes.
The Nkawkaw St Anthony Presbyterian and the Seventh
Day Adventist (SDA) JSS were presented with books
for their excellent performance in this year's Basic
Education Certificate Examination (BECE).
Mrs Jocelyn Ankomah of Nkawkaw Opinaman Primary and
Mr Richard Wiafe of Nkawkaw Salvation Army JSS
received a table top refrigerator each for being the
best teachers in the primary and JSS division,
Mr Owusu Asante, Madam Sophia Pintoe, Ms Felicia
Sasu and Ms Mavis Twumasi, retired teachers who had
taught for between 20 and 30 years, received a
20-inch colour television set each while Mr Clement
Asante Aboagye, an accounts officer of Nkawkaw
Secondary School, got a television set as an
outstanding non-teaching staff.
In an address at the function, the Acting
Director-General of the Ghana Education Service, Mr
Michael Nsowah, called on teachers to take advantage
of the distant education and study leave programmes
to upgrade their knowledge.
He said the introduction of the capitation grant,
the school feeding programme and the provision of
infrastructure, textbooks and other logistics, had
led to increased enrolment in the basic schools and
that the situation demanded that teachers upgrade
their knowledge to impact the requisite knowledge to
the children.
He said Government was aware of the poor service
condition of teachers and was working hard to
improve upon it.
The District Chief Executive, Nana Kofi Kese said
the District Assembly had spent 960 million cedis on
educational programmes in the district this year and
appealed to teachers to rededicate themselves to the
demands of their chosen profession.
The District Director of Education, Mr Seth
Koranteng said the awards programme was designed to
give recognition to hardworking teachers and
encourage others to strive for excellence and help
promote quality teaching and learning in the
He said the district obtained an average of 53.6
percent, with nine schools scoring 100 percent at
this year's BECE, as against 52.9 percent last year.
Mr Koranteng said the district lacked an official
vehicle for effective monitoring and supervision for
the past two years and that had affected the
standard of education in the district.
He commended the Member of Parliament for Nkawkaw,
Mr Okerchiri Kwabena Adusah and Mr John Jasong of
Jasong Construction Company Limited for jointly
providing most of the awards.