Maternal Mortality (DEATH)
Health, Aug 22, Ghanadot - The general trend of
maternal death is almost always related to the social and
economical deprived; lack of adequately suitable healthcare
facilities and very few or inadequate distribution of well
trained Health care providers-(Doctors and midwives)......
More |
freeze on employment - says government
Accra, Aug 12, Ghanadot - The Deputy Minister of
Information, in an effort to dismiss the assertion by some
that there will be freeze on employment, has said that there
will be none...More |
President Mills steps into school
uniform dis-order - asks Ministry to give contract to local
textile industry
Accra, Aug 11, Ghanadot - President John Evans Atta
Mills has directed the Ministry of Education to continue
with its interaction and negotiations with the local textile
companies for the procurement
World Bank pledges support for
African post-conflict recovery countries
Accra, Aug 12, Ghanadot - The World Bank supports
efforts by countries emerging from conflict in Africa to
foster good governance and transparency in the natural
resources sector that has often been used to fueled
violence....More |